Milena Kloczkowska, MA


nr ORCID: 0000-0003-2660-9415


Academic Curriculum Vitae:


In 2019, she graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University of Lublin defending her master's thesis "Admissibility of child labor in labor law" under the supervision of Paweł Nowik, Ph.D.


During her studies she had many internships, among others:

- Lempart Feliński Law Office in Krakow

- Law Office Legal. Legal advisers in Cracow

- Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Warsaw


During her studies, she was actively involved in the legal clinic of the Catholic University of Lublin - refugee section. As part of the Erasmus+ program, she completed an international internship at the European Foundation of Human Rights in Lithuania.


Research Interests:


  • Employment of adolescents and children
  • Equal treatment in employment
  • The right to strike
  • Labor law and human rights


List of major publications:


Labor law and human rights


Employment of adolescents and children


Equal treatment in employment


The right to strike

  • Kloczkowska, "Is the right to strike a human right?". Regional Conference of Chairs and Institutions of Labour Law “The Importance of International Law in the Regulation of Labour Relations"


Scientific Conferences:


  • "Professional activation of foreign workers", Regional Scientific Conference "Obligations of the Parties to the Labor Relationship in XXI century", Augustów 2021.
  • "Equality as one of the most important postulates of the future of labor law", 1st All-Poland Congress of Scientific Circles of Labour Law " The Future of Labour Law", Katowice 2021, online mode
  • "The situation of women workers during the COVID 19 pandemic", Scientific Conference
  • "Labour relations in the era of pandemics", Torun 2021, online mode.
  • "Rozważania nad dopuszczalnością strajku osób wykonujących zawód medyczny w trakcie pandemii", Scientific Conference " O pracy w ujęciu interdyscyplinarnym- rozważania w realiach stanu trwającej pandemii", Kraków 2021, mode online.
  • The concept of discrimination in labor law", National Scientific Conference "Gender and labor law", Katowice 2020, online mode.
  • "Employment of juveniles", National Scientific Conference "Achievements and development of the thought of the Polish science of labor law in the light of the challenges of the XXI century", Janów Podlaski 2020.
  • "How to make an academic career or a meeting with a doctoral student", XXIII All-Polish Days of Legal Education, Lublin 2019.
  • Lecture entitled " Hate speech as one of the greatest threats of cyberspace", National Conference on Human Rights, Lublin, May 2019.
  • Lecture entitled" Academic career paths", Legal Education Days, Lublin, November 2019.
  • Kloczkowska, "Is the right to strike a human right?". Regional Conference of Chairs and Institutions of Labour Law “The Importance of International Law in the Regulation of Labour Relations", 2022.


Workshops conducted:


  • Workshop on discrimination in the work environment - Academy of Practitioners, Lublin 2021.
  • Workshop on labor law - LEXALIA, Lublin, May 2021.


Functions performed:


  • Secretary of the Chair of Labour Law and Social Insurance
  • Tutor of the year for the 2020/2021 commencement year at the Faculty of Law, Canon Law, and Administration of the Catholic University of Lublin; as of October 1, 2020.
  • Expert and trainer in the European Pact for Integration EPI project; 2019-2022.


Teaching activities


He conducts classes on civil law with contracts in administration, social security law.